The AVFGA 2025 Trap Shooting Season will be held on Tuesdays at 4:00pm!
We are looking forward to another great trap shooting season in 2025!
Trap shooting is on Tuesday evenings starting at 4:00pm. Trap shooting is open to the public. The season runs every Tuesday (Rain or Shine) usually from May until October at the AVFGA Range on East Milan Road in Milan, NH. AVFGA is planning to start the new season as soon as our road is dry enough to drive on. Trap shooting is from 4:00pm until sunset with a cost of $6.00 per round. 100 bird shoots are planned every year if possible. AVFGA may have a free trap night for newcomers/beginners but planning for this event is ongoing at this time. If you wish to purchase a range pass in order to use the range facilities click here.
Questions, Comments, or Concerns? Please Contact:
Ron Gilbert - 603-723-6464
Roland Pouliot - 603-752-3685
Trap Shooting Co-Chairmen
email: trapshooting@avfga.org